In recent years, the society action plan has been set up on a well-thought-out scientific strategy that assures keeping up with the latest scientific advances to develop a brighter professional future for the neurological community.
The ESNPN includes under its umbrella all specialized doctors from various bodies of the ARE, including university professors, specialists from the MOH and the Armed Forces, and also from police hospitals.
According to the board recommendations, eight subspecialties’ chapters were launched:
(Headache, Multiple sclerosis, Movement disorders, Dementia, Epilepsy, Stroke and intervention, Neuro-epidemiology chapter, and Neuro-muscular chapters); each chapter has a president, secretary, board directors, and coordinators from different universities and hospitals. These chapters are responsible for developing treatment protocols and updating them in accordance with the latest medical recommendations; also, they are concerned with performing educational conferences for young neurologists.
Through the Egyptian Medical Association, the Society communicates with all official entities and cooperates with them. In 2020 – 2021; this collaboration resulted in the development of national management protocols and guidelines in response to a presidential initiative overseen by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Awad Taj El-Din, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health. This is done in collaboration with the Egyptian Medical Association, which is led by Prof. Dr. Adel Al-Adawy, former Minister of Health under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Maged Abdel-Naseer (Cairo University).