It is made up of the Society’s former and current presidents, the current general secretariat, the assistant secretariat, and the treasurer, as well as the distinguished heads of departments from all Egyptian universities, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health and Population, police hospitals, and the army.
Former general secretariat and assistant secretariat: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Eltamawy (Cairo University), Prof. Dr. M. Ossama Abdel-Ghany (Ain Shams University), Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Shehab (Mansoura University), Prof. Dr. Maged Abdel-Naseer (Cairo University), and Prof. Dr. Hani Aref (Ain Shams University), Prof. Dr. Amal Tawfiq (Menia University), Prof. Dr. Abdullah El Maamoun Sarhan (Zagazig University), Prof. Dr. Mohamed Safwat Ibrahim (Azhar University), Prof. Dr. Nabil El-Agouz (Azhar University), Prof. Dr. Ahmed Gamal Azab (Mansoura University) and Prof. Dr. Eman Khader (Assiut University).
The former treasurers of the society were Prof. Dr. Anwar Al-Atribi (Ain Shams University) and Prof. Sherif Hamdy (Cairo University), who has borne a heavy burden for 13 years in advancing the financial position of the society, followed by Prof. Dr. Maged Abdel-Naseer (Cairo University) and Prof. Dr. Hani Aref (Ain Shams University).
Presidency (2023 – 2024):
Prof. Azza Abdelnaser
Prof. Adel Hassanein
Vice President
Prof. Ismail Ramadan
Vice President
Prof. Amal El-Motayam
Vice President
The secretariat committee consists of:
The Secretary-General: Prof. Dr. Hani Aref (Ain Shams University)
The assistant secretaries: Prof. Dr. Hatem S. Shehata (Cairo University), Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Bassiouni (Ain Shams University) and Prof. Dr. Tarek Rajeh (Assiut University).
The treasurer: Prof. Dr. Sayed Taj El-Din (Tanta University) who is bearing many responsibilities to support the society’s fund.
Current Presidency (2024 – 2025):
Prof. Sali Elkholy
Prof. Azza Abbas Ghaly
Vice President
Prof. Ismail Ramadan
Vice President
Prof. Mohammed Abdelrahman
Vice President
The current secretariat committee consists of:
The Secretary-General: Prof. Dr.Hatem Samir Shehata (Cairo University)
The Assistant Secretaries: Prof. Ahmed Elbasiouny (Ain Shams University), Prof. Magdy Aidarous (Zagazig University) and Prof. Dr. Tarek Rajeh (Assiut University).
The Current Treasurer: Prof. Dr. Khaled Sallam (Benha University).
The treasurer every year presents the financial position of the Society before the “General Assembly” which is composed of all members as required by the society’s regulations, which are successively amended whenever necessary and sent for approval by the Egyptian Medical Association.